Humans. Resourced. - The Membership.

The tools you really need to be sustainably unstoppable as a woman in HR.

your time to shine

You are warmly invited to come be part of something big. Something that'll not only transform what it means to be 'HR', but also has the potential to change the world of work. All because each one of us that's developed, supported, connected and powerfully making our biggest impact in the world, the more the world is going to change.

Hang on to your hats, this is going to be quite the ride.

Imagine a place where you can be the human behind your job title...

Where you can be vulnerable without the fear of judgement and retribution.
Where you don't have to go it alone, or compete with people.
Where you can feel supported and celebrated, instead of undervalued and unheard. 

It's all right here for you 

This entire membership was borne from the notion that the HR profession has the potential to change the world of work, but is woefully unsupported to do it. We're really proud of our offering because we know how helpful this kind of support would've been to us as we navigated our own careers as women in HR. We also know that the collaboration of women is pretty epic, and believe that more of us should experience just how magic it can be.


No more going it alone or one-upwomanship that some HR networks are rife with. Here you'll find genuine, human to human connection with people who get it, and who want you to succeed as much as they want to themselves.

In fact, this is one of our guiding principles - be willing to contribute to other people's success, and to accept other people contributing to yours.

You can look forward to building your network through the monthly opportunity to meet one on one with other members through the 'Match Ups' process, and be reassured that you're not the only one facing the challenges in your world.



You'll have access to a catalogue of online, bitesize training that you can work through in your own time designed to build your confidence, work in a way that suits you and supports your sustainable unstoppability in your role.

You'll also benefit from live learning every month, coupled with the tools you need to take the learning and put it into practice.

Of course, being connected to so many other fabulous women in HR will mean you have access to the collective wisdom of the group that you can tap into at any time via the "What Would You Do?" thread in our community.


There is a wellness stream running through everything that we offer, because to be there for anyone else we have to first be there for ourselves.

This is another principle of The HR Club - everything starts with you.

In practice this looks like regular reminders of your awesomeness via the private, off social media online community; a space to come and share in those moments it all gets a bit much, and a place where no question is a silly question and swearing, bants and being human are all very welcome.

We're also super proud of our partnership with Wellbees, through whom we can offer you access to their full platform - see our partner section below.

The investment

THRC Membership - Monthly


per month

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THRC Membership - Annual


per year

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Our partners

We're delighted to be partnering with the following organisations who are as committed to making the HR Community feel like the superstars that they are.

Are you interested in partnering with us? Get in touch by emailing to tell us more about you, and let's chat!

About wellbees

Wellbees is a B2B employee wellbeing company (mobile app & web browser) changing the industry with 6x engagement levels on its platform and lowering employee turnover by up to 52%.

It is a consolidated platform with:

  • Social engagement elements (challenges, clubs, events)  
  • 1 to 1 video appointments with experts (psychologists, dieticians, personal trainers)  
  • Holistic wellbeing content (articles, audios, videos)  
  • Rewards & recognition, 
  • A powerful HR Dashboard (wellbeing analytics)

We are building the future of employee wellbeing and helping transform workplaces into communities where people not only survive but can also thrive, one company at a time.

About is the UK’s leading travel subscription club offering members the ability to book travel at trade prices on hotels (saving up to 40% at 1.5 million hotels), airport & hotel transfers, car hire, local attractions & activities, sporting events and tickets, holiday packages and the ability to book multi-destination trips both here and overseas.

Last year 91% of member searches were cheaper than the main Online Travel Agents Members typically save £252 per booking. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely. I have a 5 year old daughter and I won't be compromising on her bedtimes, not regularly anyway. It may be that some events are in the evening, some are in the day, but we have aimed to find something that works for most if not all of us. I also intend for all the learning sessions to be recorded and accessible on demand. 

Honestly, it largely depends what you want from a membership. I'll be upfront in saying I don't intend for this to be a 'technical' membership where we have lots of templates / advice for different aspects of the employee life cycle. That being said, I can see how there would be scope for a technical stream of some kind at some point, perhaps (I'll be guided at all times by what is useful for the members). The ethos of this membership will be 'HR' (that's you!) first. So, how does a woman in HR best deal with the challenges that the profession throws at her. For me, this looks like sessions on communicating with impact, influence, focusing on what we can control, boundaries, energy management etc., all wrapped up with a wellbeing focus. The wellbeing focus might be regular mindfulness classes, or virtual pilates classes as examples, and I see guest experts in the wellbeing space coming in to share their wisdom without the 'HR needs to...' tinge that we're used to. Add the cherry on the cake that is the community aspect, and away we go! 

I have a view that the leadership paradigm that we're operating in is due for a change. This is my perception based on my lived experiences. I think the leadership paradigm will shift when there are more women in leadership positions operating in their most powerful way. I want to see more women reach the highest positions within the profession, without having to compromise themselves or what's important to them, pushing an agenda which is more inclusive and transformational so that my daughter never feels she has to change in order to succeed in a system that wasn't created for her to. My skill set and passion are both aligned with supporting the unique challenges that women face at work, which is why the membership is for women only. I'd respectfully and wholeheartedly recommend anyone who thinks this is a load of rubbish to read Michelle P King's book 'The Fix - Overcome the Invisible Barriers That Are Holding Women Back at Work' to provide an alternative perspective.  

It's funny, because I ask myself that all the time! Honestly, I'm just a woman who's worked in HR her whole career, hoping to give back to the profession that I believe has the potential to change the world of work. I've experienced the highs and lows of working in HR and along the way I've built up some techniques, knowledge and mindset hacks to separate my identity from my role. I've been bullied without anyone to talk to because, well who do you talk to when you're HR? I've seen discrimination first hand. I've experienced the emotional toll of not agreeing with a decision and having to do it anyway. I get it. I've also walked my path out of it - not HR per se, but out of the emotional attachment to things that are outside of my control. I think this is accessible to everyone, and I want to share my learnings so that we can all do an amazing job AND have a fulfilling life outside of it. Really, I'm just someone who's got fed up with being set up to fail and decided to do something about it. If you're interested in my background though, along with my nearly 20 year career in HR (OMG), I'm a Brain and Behaviour Change Practitioner, I have a certificate in Applied Neuroscience and I'm a One of many ® Certified Women's Coach. 

There is plenty available within The HR Club to get you the outcomes you're seeking - no more feeling like you're on your own, less feeling like there aren't enough hours in the day, more confidence to have your biggest impact. It's all here. But unless you actually access it, i.e. come on in and take part, well you know nothing's going to change, right? We recommend setting an intention each month for what you'd most like to focus on, and booking in appointments with yourself to do just that. Small changes add up to big changes over time.

No, there's no minimum membership period on the monthly plan, so you can cancel anytime.