Ready to achieve maximum impact and elevate your career as a woman in HR?

Working in HR doesn't have to be hard. It's time to get the tools you need to be sustainably unstoppable. 

Does this sound like you?

  • You're ambitious and committed to your career in HR, but you've started to wonder if you can carry on at this pace
  • You take your work seriously, but not yourself, and you're increasingly feeling restricted and pigeon-holed because you're 'HR'
  • Deeply caring in the way you do is affecting your down time, in fact, you're not even sure how to switch off from work anymore 
  • You want to feel as successful on the inside as others perceive you to be 
  • Working in HR feels like a battle and you're looking for a way to get things done without having to fight all the time
  • You are full to the brim with ideas and new ways of working, but you never seem to get the buy in to take things forward 

I'm Emma, and I have just the thing for you. 

After a career in HR spanning over 18 years both in-house and as a consultant, I know all too well the highs and the lows of being in the people profession.

My career progressed at pace until a bullying manager killed my confidence and shifted my view of work, and of myself. Since then I've delved deep into my personal development journey, found my purpose and rebuilt my confidence to deliver it.

I truly believe that enabling you to have a different experience of being in HR is the key to changing everyone's experience of work.

I see you, you fabulous rebel. I know you're not like 'normal HR' and I know you’re ready you’re ready to make your biggest impact in a sustainable way.

I also know it’s possible, and I make it my business to help you do just that, all the while living your life with less guilt, less internal back chat and more time for the things you love.

Over 6 weeks together we will...

Learn the framework for setting powerful boundaries not just around your time but your energy and emotions too, so that you have the headspace for a life that's bigger than your work

Reset your confidence and hone your ability to articulate to yourself and others what a kick-arse HR professional you are

Hold you accountable to taking action and implementing what you learn, so that you have the courage and conviction to sustain your unstoppability post-course 

Have fun! Because life's too short to not have fun, and when you're #NotLikeRealHR, joy for what you're trying to do in the world is a big part of who you are

Ditch the feeling that you need to know everything, remind you that you know more than you're giving yourself credit for, and get comfortable with trusting your intuition when faced with the unknown 

Jam your network full of people who recognise your value and are willing to cheerlead your success, share their experiences and support you when you need it most

Reconnect with who you are, why you went into HR in the first place, what's important to you in how you show up at work, and how to live that on the daily

Master the techniques for powerful communication to playfully adapt to the audience and circumstance without having to change yourself to 'fit in'

 "Working with Emma has been nothing short of transformational for me. I found the strength to overcome challenges, value myself again, find my voice and speak my truth. Emma has been instrumental in helping me rediscover my true potential." 

HR Manager

Setting you up for success!

I am a big believer in the principle of going 'all in' (just ask anyone who's been on a fancy dress night out with me) especially when it comes to helping you be sustainably unstoppable! So, in addition to the programme of learning, here's what else is included!

121 coaching

Make the most of two 45 minute coaching sessions with me to break through the thing that's really keeping you from being unstoppable. 

access to the hr club

Enjoy the full benefits of the support, development and connection within The HR Club for two months - it's like having cheerleaders in your pocket!


Have access to a dedicated, private, off social media network of Unstoppables operating on the principle that no question is a silly question.  


Get to the bottom of who you are, why you do what you do and how you can move to the next level of growth without losing the truth of who you are.


Weekly steps to unstoppable...

We'll kick things off with a Welcome and Warm Up on Wednesday 27 September. This will get you connected to your fellow Unstoppables (max. 12 each cohort) and make sure you've got everything you need before we head into the weekly programme (which will also take place at lunchtime on Wednesdays) which is outlined below.

You'll note that there's a gap between weeks 3 and 4. That's because there's no race to Unstoppable, and your brain is going to need time to digest, process and assimilate all the new insights you have before getting down and dirty trying out all the things that are going to support your Unstoppability in this course and beyond. Which, by the way, we'll celebrate at the Farewell Festival on Wednesday 29 November!

week 1: 04/10/23

Strengths and meaning: understanding why you do this thing called HR and how to play to your strengths on the daily.

week 2: 11/10/23

HR your way: identifying how you want to be seen, what you want to be known for, and get comfortable articulating the value you add. 

week 3: 18/10/23

Unstoppable from the inside: build your confidence and stop doubting yourself, your advice and your ability.

week 4: 01/11/23

Amplify your voice: powerful communication strategies to have impact and influence in every moment. 

week 5: 08/11/23
Beautifully boundaried: take control of your time and energy and create the space for what really matters.  
week 6: 15/11/23
Crew creation: who do you need in your corner? Are they there? Curate the network for your unstoppability to be sustainable.

 "I am more confident, more self-aware, more reassured and more motivated than ever. I am happier, more content and feel positive about my next steps. Emma's ability to allow you to explore your motivations, your hangups, your self-doubt in a safe, supportive and nurturing environment is so empowering." 

Advice and Representation Manager

Course Pricing

Pay in Full


Let's Go

Payment Plan

4 payments of


per month

Let's Go!

This is the course for you if...

You've been thinking about getting some support for a while now, but aren't quite ready to take the leap to invest fully in one to one coaching. 

You're ready to commit the time to your development - no excuses, no interruptions, the time for this is sacred in your diary.

You're ready to acknowledge your part to play in the experiences you're having at work (and in life), and explore new ways of being. 

You're so over prioritising everyone else above yourself, and are ready to give yourself what you need, too. 

You're ready to step into your next level of leadership, and pave the way for the next generation of women in HR.

You're done with telling yourself you have to be more or do more to have the success you're dreaming of, and are ready to go get it as you are. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the sessions are recorded, but... If you're anything like us, we have a sneaky suspicion that you've already got a big list of things that you signed up to safe in the knowledge that if you miss a session, it's alright, cos you'll watch it back in your own time. No judgement, we all do it! But it's for that reason that we really recommend committing to attending the one live session a week for the duration of the course (we did say there'd be #Accountability). The main benefit of doing it this way is that you'll get the most benefit from interacting with your peers on the regular. We're talking #HRFriendsForLife. Plus, this programme is designed to take you on a journey which builds week by week into the Unstoppable you of the future. 

The online community will be hosted on an app called 'Heartbeat'. You'll get instructions on how to join when you enrol. It's the place to come and connect with each other, ask questions, get access to your host and celebrate your successes! You can access it on your mobile (if you want to), or your desktop, so you should be able to find a way to interact with it that works for you. 

All the details you need to get the full benefits of this course will be sent to you once you're registered. To book the coaching, you'll be given a Calendly link and asked to book a time in that suits you. Ideally you'll have one session before the course begins, and another at the end. You'll also be sent a code and full instructions to access your PowerType report. 

I get it! It can feel a bit risky investing in something when you don't know what the outcome will be. I'd guess you're someone who maybe isn't used to investing in yourself, either. We have a tendency both as women and as HR to put other people's needs above our own. I understand all that, I really do. If I could encourage you to do one thing it'd be this. To listen to what your intuition is saying beneath all the noise. You can tell if it's intuition or not because it's calm, playful and kind. Anything else is just trying to keep you safe. But safe is often driven by fear and can sometimes mean stuck. Is that what you want? 

 "I was feeling pretty worthless in my job. Emma got to the bottom of what was driving me to feel like that and signposted what I needed to look at to feel like I was adding value in my day. I feel so much lighter." 

HR Director