You're ambitious and committed to your career in HR, but you've started to wonder if you can carry on at this pace. Maybe a job in retail would be easier?

You take your work seriously, but not yourself, and you're increasingly feeling restricted and pigeon holed because you're 'HR'

You never have time for the things you love to do, there's just always so much on the to do list

You're full to the brim with ideas and new ways of working, but you never seem to get the buy in to take things forward 

Deeply caring in the way you do is affecting your down time, in fact you're not even sure how to switch off from work anymore

You recognise your confidence holds you back, and you want to feel as successful on the inside as your job title or outward persona would imply

Working in HR feels like a battle and you're fed up feeling like you have to fight all the time

You're ready to accept more fun, celebration and enjoyment into your life because you're #NotLikeNormalHR. Who said HR can't be fun?

If it does, then you are fully aware of how challenging it can actually be to work in HR, and how very little support there is for us within our role. 

That's what inspired me to do the work I do.

I was fed up with hearing stories about incredible women in HR, just like you, feeling stuck and losing confidence in themselves and their abilities thanks to: 

  • A woeful lack of support to deal with the realities of our work
  • Misconceptions about our role and our profession
  • Unwillingness to invest in us because we "don't contribute to the bottom line"
  • Our skills and innate abilities to connect and support with people being downplayed because it's "too fluffy", "not commercial" or "strategic enough"
  • Believing that we have to always be available for everyone else, prioritising their needs over our own all the time
  • The perception that somehow, just because we're HR, we don't have the right to be ourselves and have fun!

Thankfully, all of that is behind you now...

Meet your personal cheerleader

I once started a presentation with this: "Hi, I'm HR. Also known as Emma, but only at the weekends." You can call me HR, Emma, Chief Clubber - whatever you like! But it's true, I make it my business to celebrate the shit out of you until you believe you're as awesome as I know you are.

After a career in HR spanning over 18 years (where I was often only known as 'HR'!) both in-house and as a consultant, I know all too well the highs and the lows of being in the people profession.  

My career progressed at pace until a bullying manager killed my confidence and shifted my view of work, and of myself. Since then I've delved deep into my personal development journey, found my purpose and rebuilt my confidence to deliver it.  

I truly believe that enabling you to have a different experience of being in HR is the key to changing everyone's experience of work.  

At the moment I know you're prioritising everyone else's needs because you care so much about what you do and the impact you're having. Eventually (and speaking from experience here), this actually dulls your impact whether through frustration or a disconnect with who, and just how awesome, you really are.

I see you, you fabulous rebel. I know you're not like 'normal HR' and I know you’re ready you’re ready to make your biggest impact in a sustainable way.  

Whether you're interested in building your toolkit, or simply having the right community around you, I can help. Check out what's available, below.

Here's what people say about working with me...

"Emma guided me to a path of what I can only describe as enlightenment. I am now at peace, more confident and happy with my place in the working world."

- Marcia 

"In the hustle and bustle of daily life I actually forgot the most important thing – “JOY”. She supported me in confirming what is important in my life not only professionally but also personally."


"Emma made me feel safe to open up, challenged me to think differently, made me laugh through what were sometimes uncomfortable conversations and in her wonderful way, has helped me to begin believing in myself again."

- Taylor

"She's not just a coach; she's a mind ninja.  Emma is super empathetic and had my back even when I was being hard on myself. She balanced pushing me out of my comfort zone, with helping me feel brave enough to act."

- Paula

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